The Power of Networking

The Benefits of Networking and Volunteering

"Your network is your net worth" (Porter Gale) is a very common phrase that we have all heard of but have you given a thought about implementing it in your life? In a world hit by a pandemic and the economy and job markets going down around the globe, I managed to monetize my skill sets with only a slight change of perspective and made the best use of my student life in Australia.

Here are the opportunities "I made happen" through networking:

Web Analyst and Digital Marketer
(December 2020): After the worst days of the pandemic slightly improved in November 2020, I was determined to go out there and put me in a position where I could grab an opportunity in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) domain, no matter how small and learn in a real-world setting along with studying.

I was active on LinkedIn and one of my friends from my Bachelor's got in touch with me about someone he knew who was looking for a part-time digital marketer in Melbourne. I contacted him, met him, explained about my previous internship experience and got my first job as a digital marketer in Melbourne.

Table Tennis Coach
(February 2021): As a former professional player with expertise in the art of playing table tennis, I just volunteered at a club to coach young children for my passion and love for coaching. I never imagined myself monetizing this and was a refreshing leisure activity.

But soon, I got into the mix after I gained the trust and acquaintances of the head coach at ICC Table Tennis Academy who was kind enough to give me a part-time opportunity for sessions. This led to another opportunity where I started coaching kids at St Michael’s Grammar School. I was not only spending my leisure in a productive manner but also earning more than I ever imagined, from it!

Volunteering at Monash Student Association
(March 2021): Even with no prior skills or experience and having newly learned cooking, I was made the lead for an event called 'Free Food Mondays' just for the sole reason that I showed up every single week! This level of commitment for something that is not paid or mandatory really did pay off.

Again, I wasn't expecting anything out of it, I was out there to meet people and give back to the community. Consistency is key, and I soon started instructing new volunteers about tasks and activities. 

I also started working as a Social Media Assistant in Student Union Recreational Library (SURLY) since I like making creative post designs and writing book reviews.

I made international friends and learned soft skills that I couldn't have acquired otherwise.

Just by being proactive, I put myself out there intending to learn and grow while I helped others in my small ways.

I was working 10 hours a week as an IT Web Analyst, another 10 hours as a Table Tennis Coach, and my leisure time to volunteer and make friends while I also helped a social cause.

These experiences helped me:
  • To monetize my skills, earn my living, and also start saving for my future.
  • Gain soft skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, and intercultural competence.
  • Learn to care for others and give back to society in my ways no matter how small.
  • Earn the guidance of senior professional mentors who help me be the best version of myself.
  • Made amazing friends and personal connections from different countries.
Your network is indeed your net worth. Moreover, there's just more than money to be earned out there and all of this was possible due to one single attribute: NETWORKING, putting myself out there and being visible, be it virtually on LinkedIn or in reality.

If I can do it, you can do it too! Give back, you will get back so that you can give back more!


  1. This was such a good read, Rahul. I especially loved the part - "there's just more than money to be earned out there"
    This is an ideal guide for new students or anyone embarking on a new journey in any part of the world.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Share it with someone who would benefit from it. Cheers :)


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