The "Real (Artificial) Intelligence" inside all of us
Are we AI or Real?
Experts say a person has 50,000 thoughts per day. That's an average of 2,100 thoughts per hour approximately. Out of these, for an average person, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive according to data on the internet. Let's assume this is not true. You can always give yourself a measurement based on what you feel about yourself (funnily enough, maybe we'll give a negative one 80% of the time!). Also, it is said that only 5% of our actions and decisions are conscious and 95% are from the subconscious mind!
First off, it is pretty obvious that there's a majority of negativity over positivity. Secondly, almost all of our thoughts are repetitive which means whatever you think, you're most likely to think the exact same thought again. Repetitive thoughts are the building blocks of your subconscious mind. It's just like practising a skill. You get better at what you do repetitively and we'll all agree upon this. Now let's connect the dots and find insights into what is happening on an average human mind. Negativity constitutes 80% of our thoughts. 95% of these negative thoughts are repetitive implying they are building our subconscious framework. Now, you have successfully built a negative subconscious framework. This is used to drive 95% of your actions and decisions every single moment. And the saddest part is, you don't even realise this because it is a subconscious process. I think this gives a clear picture as to why very few succeed! Why the average person always remains average. It is not that they're not trying. It's just that they're trying the wrong way!
I'm neither a psychologist nor an AI developer but I understand simple logic. So what is it that we can do to change this or make a shift in this paradigm? I can ask you to just think positive but I'm sure it seems easier said than done. And moreover, if it was just that easy to do this, I'm sure the average person's thought stats would tell a totally different story altogether! So what is the solution to this everyday problem?
This is just the way I see it and hope to make sense to you as a reader. It's just something I thought of when I realised that we have actually created something and name it "Artificial Intelligence". We have always watched Sci-Fi movies where the writer creatively narrates how AI will one day take over humans and rule the world! Guess what... We're waiting for robots and machines and actually never realised that it has actually happened! A part of our real "AI" has already taken over us and is already ruling the world! Through YOU! The mind is something so powerful. And something with that kind of potential in the wrong hands creates the perfect formula for disaster and that's what the data today about the average thought says!
So the solution is simple. Train yourself to better handle a very powerful tool; your mind! Be better equipped to handle this powerful tool. Yes, look at your mind as a tool and don't look at it as being you. Be YOU and use your mind as the tool instead of thinking you're your mind! Yes, it is a part of you but it does not have to take control over you. Use it to spread love and kindness. Use it to learn better. Use it to enjoy every moment of your life. Be so busy using the "Real Intelligence" that your "Artificial Intelligence" finds no time for it to express its negativity. I tried to explain it in the most simple manner possible and with that, the solution is simple. The solution is YOU! This is an article I would recommend if you think you're indecisive. Hope it helps.
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